TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, and especially to all Sub-Contractors, workmen, laborers, mechanics and furnishers of materials:
Public Notice is hereby given according to law that the undersigned Owner has accepted, as substantially complete, the work done on the CITY HALL ROOF REPLACEMENT PROJECT for the City of New Iberia under BULLIARD CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC., 823 E. Bridge Street, St. Martinville, LA 70582, contractor for the City of New Iberia, contract dated May 10, 2019, recorded on May 13, 2019, under Mortgage Book 1856, Page 229, File Number 2019-3971 of the Records of the Clerk of Court, Parish of Iberia, Louisiana, and
Public Notice is hereby given according to law that the undersigned Owner has accepted, as substantially complete, the work done on the WEEKS STREET FIRE STATION ROOF REPLACEMENT PROJECT for the City of New Iberia under BULLIARD CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC., 823 E. Bridge Street, St. Martinville, LA 70582, contractor for the City of New Iberia, contract dated May 10, 2019, recorded on May 13, 2019, under Mortgage Book 1856, Page 238, File Number 2019-3973 of the Records of the Clerk of Court, Parish of Iberia, Louisiana, and
All subcontractors, workmen, laborers, mechanics and furnishers of materials must assert whatever claim they may have against the said Contractor, growing out of the execution of said Contracts, according to law, within 45 days from registration hereof.
City of New Iberia
/s/ Freddie DeCourt
Freddie DeCourt, Mayor
Publish Date: June 12, 2019