The New Iberia Permit & Inspection Department issues permits for building, remodeling, addition to and demolition of structures within the city. We also issue permits for the movement of houses, structures and mobile homes.
When and where do I obtain a permit?
A permit must be obtained for any and all work, including electrical, plumbing and/or mechanical, before any work begins in the City of New Iberia. Permits may be obtained in our office at 457 E. Main Street, Suite 412, New Iberia, Louisiana.
Building permits must be obtained for:
Building a new structure
Remodeling an existing structure
Addition to a structure
Moving a mobile home
Moving a house or other structure
Demolishing a house or other structure
Installing a fence
Installing a new sign or replacing a face on an existing sign
Follow these required steps to ensure a safe and compliant building:
Submit one (1) copy of the approved State Fire Marshal stamped plans for commercial projects and one (1) set of detailed plans for residential projects to the Inspection Department for review and approval.
Prior to the building permit being issued, subcontractors may apply for electrical, plumbing and mechanical permits as needed.
Request inspections on all permits issued by the Inspection Department. After all inspections have been completed and finalized, a Certificate of Occupancy will be issued upon request so that the new structure may be occupied.
The State of Louisiana requires that a licensed contractor be hired on commercial projects valued in excess of $50,000 to coordinate all phases and types of construction for your project.
For permit information and applications click here.
Building inspections are scheduled by phone or through our office at 457 E. Main Street, Suite 412, 4th floor of City Hall. Please contact us for details: (337) 369-2354.
To search for accepted third party plan reviewers please click here. For further assistance with this search please contact the Inspection & Permit office at (337) 369-2354.
Matthew Gulotta
Building Official
New Iberia Permit & Inspection Department
457 E. Main Street; Suite 412
New Iberia, LA 70560
Phone: (337)369-2354
Fax: (337)369-2390
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