Guidelines & Applying
What is Teche Plein Air?
The Teche Plein Air competition debuted in 2015, introducing the community to painting en plein air. The tradition of “painting outside” is one explored by William Weeks Hall, the last private owner of the Shadows, who advertised for and taught painting classes in the gardens in the 1940s. In the eight-year history of the competition, over 170 artists from 25 states, Canada, and the Philippines have applied to participate. Almost 100 of these artists have traveled to New Iberia for the opportunity to spend a week painting in seven parishes in Acadiana, helping to preserve our unique landscape and historic, urban, and rural viewscapes.
Who is this year’s judge?
Beth Bathe will be the judge for the 11th annual Teche Plein Air competition.
What about awards?
In 2025, artists will compete for $10,000 in CASH PRIZES!
Interested in helping to make Teche Plein Air a success? We have lots of opportunities!
Give suggestions on interesting places for our artists to paint
Host an artist throughout competition week
Sponsor/provide lunch for artists one day during the week
Sponsor an award
Contact us at Techepleinair@cityofnewiberia.com or (337) 369-2300 if you're interested!